Our Philosophy:

Unlocking value through expertise and local focus,we provide investors unique opportunities for value.

Real Estate Investing

For over 30 years, we've created the relationships necessary to be able to source off market deals and execute on opportunities quickly. We focus exclusively on value-add multifamily properties in key Florida markets. With experience across $1B of real estate through economic cycles, we know how to unlock opportunities in real estate.


Primary care is undergoing a structural change from traditional fee for service to value-based care (VBC). CMS wants 100% of traditional medicare fee for service transitioned to VBC by 2030. Patients benefit from VBC. Doctors want to practice value-based medicine. And commercial payers are pushing to make it happen. The shift to VBC cannot happen without the frontline care team…the primary care physicians. We acquire and partner with our portfolio primary care practices, roll them into an institutional quality primary care platform, and empower a smooth transition to VBC. Through our process, we better patient outcomes, provide physician owners exits and realize outsized risk-adjusted returns for our investors.

A focused real estate strategy,
capitalizing on market tailwinds.

Value-add multifamily investing. In one of the most dynamic and investment friendly states in the US. Utilizing investment criteria honed over 30 years by a team that knows investing, real estate and developments. This focus is what provides MSL Capital a unique advantage and the reason behind our outsized returns.

Working with physician owned primary care practices.

Creating value for everyone involved.

Primary care accounts for 10% of the annual healthcare spend, but controls more than 60% of all healthcare spend annually. Primary care physicians are the gatekeepers to healthier patient outcomes. But primary care remains fragmented, independent and difficult to transition to value-based care. Our team of industry experts comes from institutional primary care roll-ups, the largest commercial payers, national value-based programs, and the best in private equity. We know acquisitions and we work with local physician owned practices to create a meaningful primary care platform ready for primetime.